DailyAlts Free Newsletters
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DailyAlts Today
Each day, DailyAlts sends readers a recap of all of our stories from the day. This newsletter provides developments on fund launches and updates, movers and shakers in the industry, regulatory changes, and more across nine different verticals.

The DailyAlts Playbook
The ultimate morning read on the state of the alternative investment industry. Economist and fund consultant Garrett Baldwin tackles the major developments in the hedge fund, private equity, and alternative investment space.

Active Alpha
A monthly recap of activist funds and their investments in the public and private markets. The monthly newsletter explores the buying and selling trends across the alternative investment space.
DailyAlts Premium Newsletters
Our popular DailyAlts premium newsletters are based on the DailyAlts unique, custom research that replicates some of the best strategies using public equities, liquid alternatives, and other assets. These market beating strategies center around oft-misunderstood assets that generate market beating returns in the range of 12% to 18% per year.
These proven strategies are perfect for asset managers, DIY investors, and anyone else looking for a unique source of alpha that is hiding in plain sight.
The REIT Report
Tim Melvin’s REIT report tackles the global real estate industry, unlocks long-term value, and ensures strong cash flows to provide price appreciation and income generation for the years ahead.
Community Bank Investor Newsletter
The industry’s most outspoken analyst on the community banking space, Tim Melvin, taps into major trends in community banking that have fueled remarkable consolidation and profits for investors.