
Venture Capital: Why Traditional VCs Avoid Startups in Defense and Aerospace

Brian Schettler, the head of Boeing’s HorizonX venture fund, talks to DefenseNews.
Boeing’s HorizonX venture fund has invested across 25 companies. Each investment is less than $10 million, and the cumulative amount would be small when juxtaposed against the sums deployed by traditional VC firms in commercial ventures (not defense or aerospace).
Speaking to DefenseNews, Schettler provided interesting insights on why traditional VCs are giving the cold shoulder to startups in defense and aero.

Artificial Intelligence: Coronavirus! This AI Startup Warned of the Outbreak on December 31

Toronto-based BlueDot, which uses big data and AI, red-flagged the coronavirus outbreak in December. BlueDot’s AI-driven health monitoring platform analyzes billions of data points. Its process works something like this: It pores over global news reports, airline data, and animal disease outbreaks using natural language processing and machine learning techniques. The outputs from the platform are scanned by epidemiologists who sound the alert if they spot an outbreak.

Artificial Intelligence: Chinese Think Tank Doesn’t Think AI and Robots Will Destroy Jobs

The Chinese people need have no fears that their jobs would be taken over by artificial intelligence and robots says a government report.
According to a report by The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, artificial intelligence (AI) is unlikely to put millions of Chinese out of jobs. On the contrary, a report from the Chinese government’s think tank says additional jobs would be created due to the adoption of AI.