Insightful interviews and discussions with leading portfolio managers, investors and entrepreneurs from the world of alternative investments.
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Listen to Todd, founder and owner of Zinc Income Fund, a specialty lender in the residential rehab and resale business. These securitized loans are of less than 2 years duration, and pay Zinc’s investors monthly payouts. In a day of record low interest rates this strategy has a strong track record of above market payouts…
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ETF Trade Advisor
Listen to Eric Kimia of ETF Trade Advisor describe his service in providing trading signals to online subscribers. He recommends when to be in and out of various markets.
T&T Capital Management
Listen to Tim Travis of T&T Capital Management describe their value based investment strategy. He combines value investing with put and call selling. This is good ole fashion value investing, together with the selling of options. Our show usually discusses other type strategies, so Tim’s approach is quite unique for our show’s interviews. You’ll find…
YieldPro – Fixed Income ETF
Listen to this interview with Nick Scalzo of the Elements Group to learn about their unique fixed income mutual fund – YieldPro Fund. As of the date of this interview, Partnervest Advisory Services did not hold an ownership position of the YPRO ETF discussed during the interview. Also, this interview is not an offer to…
2 Minute Summary of Altegris and OptionSellers.com Interviews
Listen to this short summary of these two interviews from Jan 30, 2015.
Listen to this interview with James Cordier, founder and President of OptionSellers.com. They sell calls and puts on commodities in the futures marketplace. This is an income generating strategy that you will find to be very interesting.
Altegris Investments
Listen to Adam Gallegos of Altegris Investments tell about who they are and discuss their Evolution Mutual Fund. This is a Managed Futures fund unlike others, managed by some large and prestigious international money managers. It is a very interesting story.
Summary of 1-23-2015
Listen to this summary of the interview of Nick Scalzo, founder and CEO of RiskPro.
Listen to Nick Scalzo as he discusses his software, RiskPro, which offers the opportunity to create a portfolio designed around a particular level of risk. This is a revolutionary product that is able to define risk for an investor and then helps to design a portfolio to invest within the parameters of that level of…
Bill Sherman with The Sherman Sheet
This interview with Bill Sherman offers an insight into The Sherman Sheet, a service in trend following and tactical investing. This service has been available since 2003 and has a track record for that period of time. Listen to this interview with Bill, an investment manager for over thirty years.
Summary of Jan 16, 2015 Interviews
Listen to this Summary of our interviews with Bill Sherman of The Sherman Sheet, a trend following service to investment advisors and John Schmick of SCA who offers a unique fixed income investment.
This is a very interesting interview with David Garrett, founder and CEO of TimerTrac.com. This is a service to investors, describing and tracking the performance of over 700 professional market timing services. It is a real eye opener of the opportunities available to investors.
Summary – 1-09-2015 Interview
This is a summary of the very interesting interview with TimerTrac.com. Any investor should find this interview to be very interesting.
Summary of 12-19-2014 Interviews
Listen to this summary of interviews with Charlie Bilello and MIke Williams.
Genesis Asset Management – Mike Williams
Listen to this interview with Mike Williams, author of the blog “Hot Topics from Mike Williams.” As a longtime commentator and prognosticator, Mike always has interesting takes on the marketplace. Listen to his story and comments in this interview.
Pension Partners
Listen to Charlie Bilello of PensionPartners tell about their two award winning papers, addressing the predictive power of the Utilities Sector and of Treasuries. These are very interesting findings that anyone interested in equity investing should find to be of significant worth.
KraneShares ETF’s – China Family of ETF’s
Listen to Brendan Ahern of KraneShares tell about KraneShares ETF’s, a family of ETF’s that is totally focused on China. If you are interested in investing in China you will find this interview to be very interesting. A reminder: Past performance is not indicative of future returns and should not be relied upon as the…
Timing Cube – A Market Timing Service to Investors
Listen to Don Lansing of Timing Cube to learn about their service to investors of when to be in and our of markets. Remember – Past performance of any investment strategy is not indicative of future performance and results cannot be predicted.
FolioMetrix – Home of the RiskX Tactical Funds
Listen to this interview with Jerry Murphey of FolioMetrix describe their tactical strategy used in managing the several mutual funds that they offer. This is definitely NOT your “Buy and Hold” mutual fund.
Summary of 11-21-2014 Interviews
Listen to this summary of the two interviews of this day. It takes but a couple of minutes.
Closed End Funds
Listen as our Host, Charley Wright, discusses the benefits and potential pitfalls of Closed End Funds. Only a fraction of the size of the mutual funds industry, Closed End Funds offer unique opportunity, especially for those seeking consistent income generation.
Anchor Capital
Listen as we interview Eric Leake of Anchor Capital and discuss their unique methodology in their Long/Short Fixed Income investment strategy. Very few fixed income investments offer the opportunity to determine when to be in and out of the Fixed Income marketplace.
401k Investment Selection
Every 401k plan participant has the same problem – Determining which mutual funds to select. Listen to this approach, provided by the Host, Charley Wright, that discusses how to invest in those mutual funds moving in an uptrend and how to avoid those moving in a downtrend. This is a unique and different way to…
Bryan Perry’s High Yield Investing
Listen to this interview with Bryan Perry re: his High Yield recommendations. Bryan has been recommending high yield investments for many years and knows how to find those paying more than the marketplace. Anyone looking for income or just high yield investments should listen to this one. Disclosure: Partnervest holds some of the securities mentioned…